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Release Dependencies

This table wants to highlight the various tooling that we need to pay attention to and potentially bump to ensure that everything works correctly - it could be that some versions need to be only changed/bumped in the template folder.

ToolPing team ahead of branch cut?Bump when...Reference bumpLink to source
MetroNo need, they release on their own schedule.During RC phase of new minor, coordinated with RN CLI (see below).linksource
RN CLIYes, ping RN CLI maintainers - they need to do a new release that depends on new Metro version (from above), like so.During RC phase of new minor, coordinated with Metro (see above).linksource
HermesNo need, the RN release crew takes care of generating new tags.During RC phase of new minor - the closer to the commit of the branch cut, the better.linksource
FlipperNo need, they release on their own schedule.We just need to sync to the newest set of dependencies at the time of branch cut using this as reference.linksource
FollyNo need, they release on their own schedule.Usually this dependency gets kept up to date by Meta's internal dev loop so it should be necessary to bump at release cut. But it needs to be the same version that is imported via Flipper (Flipper-Folly) to avoid issues.linksource
JestNo need, they release on their own schedule.This will be updated by the Meta engineers to stay aligned to the version used internally - so no relationship with the RN release cycle.linksource
Android SDKOut of our control.Usually kept up to date by internal team.linksource
GradleOut of our control.Usually kept up to date by internal team example).linksource
Android Gradle PluginOut of our control.Usually kept up to date by internal team example).linksource
JSCOut of our control.Needs to be clarified.linksource
CocoaPodsOut of our control.Usually kept up to date by internal team.linksource